
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

The First

I'm conscient about everything, tired of be anything,exhausted and painless motionless ,cause can't handle it my braveless like everybody i'm afraid about almost everybody so frustated ,i can't  admitted before,the reason, i want to be better,perfect,fearless,greatest and the end of the road,that doesn't happen so mortal,so wrong,so alone ya now in the deep of this wet and cold harmless possum,feel in my throath the freezing air. When all this thing ends,i can say. i tried so hard,really so hard but that isn't enough sorry for been so wrong,so blind to see in the black hole. now i should say.....,thanks for being charm. . By Juan_Nighteyes Todos los derechos reservados ©

3 Aviso

Buenas noches hace rato no hacia una comunicación ,pero esta sera muy corta. El blog esta cerca de cumplir los primeros cinco meses de existencia en el mundo virtual,conocido como internet,durante las proximas semanas dejare como entrada destacada en la parte principal del blog antiguas entradas,esto con el objetivo de que mas personas puedan acceder a ellas con mayor facilidad,adicional a esto,este sera el ultimo aviso en subirse al Blog principal,apartir de ahora este y los anteriores avisos tendran una pagina exclusiva. This blog is close to have 5 months of existence in the virtual world know as Internet,in the next weeks,the previous entries it will be like featured entries for a few days,i do that with the goal to those old texts or entries can be more accesible for the new people in the blog and the old people can rewind his favourites,additional of this,since today the advices it will be in a separate page,so you can read them and don't get in the way of the other en