A gold gate

This is a second chance for do something better now.
than the previous one,me didn't know about,but what you talking ya,
cause i'm running for profits,for each minimal action
like atraction ,i trying to being a good actor,maybe a creator
sorry i get losted,tht's supposed is about other topic,treating
 grandma like a housemaid,but is someone closer
i've never was good doing housework,but making problem
that is another story,ever saying sorry,thi is not ironic?,
sorry grandma for being useless,for not to do my duty
for be a stupid foolish,always i was full of doubts.
I just can shout very loud.

Nowdays i want to be better,maybe wrtting harder or daily.
cleaning the house twice week?,God knows is unique
cause is the only who have the answer fot this,
for second time i'm off topic,stupid lyrics
what did you mr sinic,mediocre artist, fucking evil neo-nazi.

What's happen now,i said neo-nazi and you are a mediocre
artist?,what kind a mess, like a wardrobe or a old bedroom
Graciela thank for everything,you never doubdt do for something good for me
,bringing us a home,a hot meal ,it's time to do my shit
sorry for didn't saying anything before this tuesday,believe me,please can
you forgive me.

i feel gratefull,but i have zero words for this things, you ever do it.
sorry for be cold like a old freezer,but my fucking rage is hot like the averno
im burning inside cause of this is enserio'',every day this get worst
doing a drama about a simple word you  had tell

Somebody the know the meaning of this,talking about My grandma ,
but at the sime i mentined  God and compared me with a nazi,
i'm not white ,obviusly german not in the house we dont have a red flag
unususual like my crazing mind,wrtting bullshit wtih nonsense like a mad-goat
somebody have a compass?,maybe i'm not be able to be in the right way,if this exist
overthinking is my nemesis,full of sins poisoning my blood and the home.

Shouthing every day ,please i dont wanna be like this way
be paceful i only thing i dont have,anything to say,maybe is too late
really sorry Grandma,this can be too hard, my Mom,she died many years ago
but is feell like that was the last weekend,sorry to my grandpa
for wasn't be the man who he expects for the familiy.crying whitout
a reasonable responsability,somedays why i dont want to be here?
somebody can answer me ?

I still looking for a endless place,where the pain doen't exist
i want to be believe, in the heaven,with  gold gates gaving
the entrance to the better possible place,no tears ,no fears
just miracles and endless pleasures,without murders
just the better artist and poets,kids and elders corssing the roads

Incredibly like this letter starts,just cause i want to apologize to my Grandma.

By Juan_Nighteyes

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